Sharon Bidwell
Sharon Bidwell joins us after teaching theology for the last 10 years at both DeSales High School and Sacred Heart Academy. As a life-long learner who loves school, Sharon was able to bring her interest in Scripture, Catholic social teaching, and Church history to her students in and out of the classroom. She led retreats, worked with students on international short-term mission trips, and companioned young people on their faith journeys.
Sharon is a native Kentuckian from Bowling Green, and since moving to Louisville in 2005, she has been active in the community leading Girl Scout troops (Brownies through Juniors) in Oldham County, volunteering at Eastern Area Community Ministries, and joining various hiking groups for weekend outings. She enjoys international travel to countries with great food and music as well as turning her travel photography into one-of-a-kind gifts for her friends and family.
Sharon is the oldest of four siblings who are collectively caring for her father, and she spoils her nieces and nephews rotten before returning them to their parents. Her journey to becoming Catholic has its roots in master’s program at the University of Dayton. She says the richness of the Catholic tradition and its depth of seeking truth in faith is what drew her to the Inquiry phase and the RCIA program in Dayton.
Sharon Bidwell