Homecoming 2023 -Thank You!
Fr. Lou Meiman, SL staff and the St. Leonard Homecoming Committee wish to extend a HUGE Thank You to all those who volunteered with set up, take down, those who worked the event, those who attended and/or anyone who supported last weekend’s SL Homecoming Picnic. Fun was enjoyed by everyone in attendance. The food and band were outstanding!
Plus, a BIG note of appreciation to Allison Gousha, SL Homecoming Picnic Chair, and her committee for all their hard work. Committee members were Teresa Riggs, Fran Mastropaolo, Joe Sexton, Allison Deaton and Steve King. Additional thanks to Immaculata Classical Academy for running the kids games and helping with setup on Saturday morning, and to St Leonard’s Scout Troop who helped run the parking lot and cleanup on Sunday morning.
Winners of the raffles were:
- $2,500 -Robert Powrie
- $1,000 -Carolyn Dordero
- $500 -John Wilcox
- Zoo Pass -Kathleen & Chuck Willenbrink
- Get Out Pass -Julie Olson
- Quilts -Claudia Trudel (won 1st and 2nd draws) and Marilyn Meredith
- TV -Jackie Malec