Homecoming Results Are In!
Thank you to our wonderful sponsors, and to everyone who made this year’s Homecoming a very successful one.
2023 Homecoming Results
The final results are in! Our 2023 Homecoming event was a great success. We started with many volunteers from setup to clean-up and were blessed with beautiful weather. The food was wonderful, the live music was great and a steady crowd of parishioners, neighbors and friends kept the fun going. A huge thank you to Allison Gousha, Homecoming Committee Chair and all her committee members, in addition to the silent auction contributors, sponsors, the anonymous donor of the free TV and everyone
who purchased raffle tickets, provided cakes or worked as a volunteer!
Here are the financial results:
Sponsorships and Donations $8,430
Raffles $5,427
Silent Auction $3,512
Cakes/Gift Card Booths $1,479
Pulltabs $497
Other – drinks/games $410
Band -$1,000
Golf Cart Rental -$515
Advertising -$498
Security -$450
Other -$442
Net (budget was $13,000) $16,850
As communicated along the way, Gift Card Booth proceeds of $790 will be used to cover food costs for the monthly UCHM meal preparation. Quilt raffle proceeds will be used to purchase fabric so our Sewing Ministry can continue making baby items for Life House and Little Way Pregnancy Center.
Sponsors by Levels for Signs 2023.xlsx - Sheet1