A Gospel Reflection – May 12, 2024 The Ascension of the Lord
A few months ago, I had the singular privilege of a private meeting with Pope Francis. We were a
small group of pastors, composed largely of non-Catholics. The Holy Father wished to discuss
our work for Christian unity. The phrase I remember him saying with greatest frequency was:
Tutti dentro. It means, “Everyone in.” He clearly wanted us to emphasize that the Church is made
for the whole human race, not a select few. At the center of his concern was unity. We are all
brothers and sisters, he said multiple times. The Church’s primary longing is for everyone to join
This longing is at the heart of this Ascension feast day. We hear the longest recorded prayer of
the one whom Pope Francis represents. Jesus’ concern is unity, praying to the Father, “that they may be one, even as
we are one” (John 17:11). The deep unity of all people in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit is what Jesus
most desires. It is what he ascends to accomplish.
Do we have this same burning desire in our hearts, too? Or do we see Christian unity as an unrealizable dream? Or
worse, as something that threatens our own narrow tribal interests? This feast is a wonderful time to consider our
attitude toward Christian unity, and to commit to do whatever we can to foster it. It is the Pope’s desire because it is
that of Jesus — and it should be ours, too.
-Father John Muir