This serves as a reminder that the faithful are obligated to attend Mass on the 4th Sunday of Advent. This mass is separate and distinct from the Christmas obligation. Please Note the ADDITIONAL Mass offerings by Fr. Johnson that …
Dear friends, I wish you all a Merry Christmas in advance. During World War II, plane travel and television were still in their infancy. One Christmas Day during the World War a young family – father, mother and children –was …
Be sure to check out this schedule for all the events of Advent and Christmas for both parishes.
We need your donations to make it work! As the winter chill settles into our bones, let’s get together and make a warm and hearty meal of Chili, Cornbread, and Cookies for our neighbors being served by United Crescent …
Bring Your Home’s Infant Child Jesus to Mass for a Special Blessing! Advent, (from Latin adventus, “coming”), in the Christian church calendar, is the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and also …
Now as we near Christmas, it’s time to send and receive Christmas cards.I thought of sending some cards to my friends, so, I went to some shops. As I searched, I noticed that there were no cards with the picture …
Congratulations to our September Parishioners of the Month.
On behalf of Fr Johnson and all of the staff at St Frances of Rome and St Leonard parishes, we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Our offices will be celebrating the holiday with the rest of the Archdiocese and …
Mark you calendars, and plan to join us in the cafeteria for some fun and fellowship after the 10am Mass on December 10th. The Homecoming Committee will be hosting a thank you appreciation luncheon to celebrate the success of this …
This is a suggested prayer for you to pray with your family and loved ones at the dinner table on Thanksgiving day. The Thanksgiving prayer begins with acknowledging God’s many gifts and blessings to us, and then continues to ask …