A corruption of the Italian maestro di giustizia (or master of Justice), Mastro Titta was the nickname for Giovanni Battista Bugatti. For 68 years, from 1796 until 1864, Bugatti was the pope’s executioner, the longest serving papal executioner in history. Using axe, mallet and eventually …
Thank you to everyone for continued prayers for Rick Knoop, SFR/SL Music Director, during his recent surgery. He is recovering well, surrounded by his wonderful and loving family. If you would like to send well wishes, contact the parish office …
You probably wouldn’t think to connect a 19th century pope with an American Holiday but Leo XIII and Labor Day are at least related. Leo wrote the encyclical Rerum Novarum (Revolutionary Change) in 1891. It is subtitled: Rights and Duties of Capital and Labor. In …
“A good coach improves your game, but a great coach improves your life.” This quote is a perfect description of the impact Coach Barbara Trompeter had on her St. Leonard volleyball players. Our parish is excited to honor Barbara Trompeter …
St Leonard was recently able to complete one of the items on our Capital Projects list that will have significant impact on our facility and our environmental footprint. After reviewing bids from several companies, we finally contracted with RLCLED Concepts …
It’s almost here! The St Leonard Homecoming Picnic is September 10th. Just a little more than a week away. This year, Homecoming includes both the Cake Booth and Gift Card Booth. We will also have a silent auction (place your …
This year, one of our several food truck offerings at the Homecoming Summer Picnic will be Green District Salads and Wraps. As you can see, they have a variety of tasty offerings that can be enjoyed as a salad or …
Pictured: Redwood grove in Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park That’s what Pope Francis called it in his message asking us to observe the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation on September 1st. It is the beginning of …
We are continuing to receive gift cards for the Charity Gift Card Booth that both parishes are sponsoring at this year’s picnic.. Please keep those donations coming. All proceeds for this booth will benefit either Lifehouse Maternity Home on behalf of …
Raffle tickets for our Homecoming were mailed a couple of weeks ago. If you still haven’t received yours, we would be glad give you some from the Parish Office, or have them available at mass for you to pick up. …