Imagine: A Lenten Journey with the Leonard Ladies You're invited! The Leonard Ladies invite all women of Saint Leonard and Saint Frances of Rome parishes to journey with us through a new series called Imagine. Guided by the 2020 podcast …
Despite these difficult times, we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth together at Saint Leonard Parish this year. We hope you will join us for Mass to celebrate the Nativity of our Lord! Saint Leonard will be offering Mass at …
Dear Friends and Families of St. Leonard, It is not news that we have experienced a unique year in 2020 and were unable to celebrate together at our annual Summer Picnic. In a normal year, we would be announcing the …
A Parish Outreach Opportunity Instead of a Holiday Bazaar? St. Leonard Drive-thru Soup/Chili Lunch ATTN: Are you 55 years of age or older? Order Your Free Lunch Now! If you are age 55 or older, let us provide you …
Pocket Prayer Quilt Ministry Would you like to help? Have you ever heard of "pocket prayer quilts"? Inside each of these small quilts, there is a small cross with the prayer pinned to each quilt as shown in the photo. …
Sunday, September 13th, families from both parishes met at St. Leonard's parking lot (parking spaces make great markers for social distancing, btw) to pray, share, learn about Holy Families, and play games. We're doing it again October 11th, at 10am …
The good news is we at St Leonard will be returning to mass the weekend of May 30-31st. The bad news is it won’t look much like you’re used to. But at least some of us will be able to …
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