Did you know that both of our parishes are in Region 4 of the archdiocese? I say that because Region 4 will be celebrating a mass to welcome our new archbishop on Thursday, May 26th at 7pm at Holy Spirit …
In the 1920’s, just a few years after it had become a national holiday, a woman named Anna Jarvis organized protests and boycotts against Mother’s Day. In fact she spent most of the rest of her life fighting against Mother’s …
“There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the Apostles, and they were distributed to each according to …
We chant those words three times as we enter the church with the lit Paschal Candle at the Easter Vigil. The candle stands in the sanctuary for the Easter Season, and is lit whenever there is a baptism or a …
The Paschal Mystery. We use it to talk about the death and resurrection of Christ, but what does it mean? Well, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t mean what comes to mind. Because what the word mystery meant when it was …
As I am sure it will not surprise you, I’m endlessly fascinated by the ways that we as Catholics pray and celebrate without words. Or beyond words. I find it very human. And the installation of an archbishop is no …
If you want to join Pope Francis in the consecration of Russia and Ukraine in real time, that’s actually easy to do. Vatican Media has a live English feed on YouTube 24/7. So whenever the pope has mass or a …
Did you know that this coming Saturday is a Holy Day of Obligation? So is Friday March 25th. March 19th is the Feast of St Joseph (also the patronal feast of the Archdiocese of Louisville.) The 25th (9 months before …
Every year on the Second Sunday of Lent, we read one of gospels’ accounts of the Transfiguration. The Feast of the Transfiguration is August 6th, but we read the account during Lent as well. Peter, James, and John fall asleep …