Parishioner Spotlight on Fran Mastropaolo-“We are called to be Living Saints,” …
“We are called to be Living Saints,” is a frequent theme of Pope Francis’ papacy and he regularly emphasizes that we are all called to be saints everyday. Since the Pope’s election in 2013 he has canonized sixty six new saints. At a papal audience on November 19, 2014, Pope Francis stated that “Everyone is called to holiness in their own state of life. “Indeed,” he said, “it is by living with love and offering Christian witness in our daily tasks that we are called to become saints… Always and everywhere you can become a saint, that is, by being receptive to the grace that is working in us and leads us to holiness.” During the Pope’s most recent canonization Mass on May 15, 2022, he proclaimed ten new saints in St. Peter’s Square. He reminded the faithful to “recognize how God loves us unconditionally and how the path to holiness is “so simple” and only requires that we see Jesus in others. As God had a dream for the new saints, God has a dream for our lives, which we are called to welcome with joy and live throughout our daily lives.”
One such “Living Saint” amongst us is St. Leonard parishioner, Fran Mastropaolo. Fran is responding to Pope Francis’ call to live as a saint “by living with love and offering Christian witness in our daily tasks” and she is “seeing Jesus in others.” At the end of every email I receive from Fran she includes these two quotes: “Live justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God” from Micah 6:8 and “Become the saint you are called to be” which is Pope Francis’ repeated call to saintliness. These are her personal mission statements for which she lives daily and they are evident by her service to others.
Fran has been married to her husband Tony for thirty four years and they have been St. Leonard parishioners for twenty two years. They have five children; Cassandra, Gabriella, Anthony (wife, Sophia), and Stella who all graduated from the St. Leonard school. Fran has always been an active member of the parish and the school. Fran’s current service ministries are: the St. Vincent DePaul Organization (SVdP) as a volunteer and treasurer where she serves our neighbors that are in financial need; she is a church Sacristan and Hospitality minister where she prepares God’s house and welcomes all who attend liturgies; she also dedicates a tremendous amount of her time to the annual Parish Picnic with the setup and by working to get everything in place for “a rockin’ good time” as well as making numerous quilts to be auctioned off at the picnic. Fran and her husband Tony also volunteer once a week at our neighborhood United Crescent Hill Ministries food pantry. Their time at the pantry has now called them into service to create a new ministry that will use the St. Leonard kitchen to provide meals to our 40206 neighbors. The need for prepared meals for families during these difficult economic times has increased tremendously over the months. So, along with other volunteers they will be the conduit between UCHM’s need for prepared meals and a currently unused commercial kitchen at St. Leonard church.
Fran states that “I have found a rewarding variation of ministries at St. Leonard over my 22 years as a parishioner. Doing for our parishioners, guests, and neighbors has fulfilled the Holy Spirit’s call of service in me to a degree that I never knew possible. From the reverence of preparing for holy mass or the raucousness of a picnic set up, there is always a deep feeling of service to the Lord. For those of you who know me, even a little bit, you are aware that if there is food being eaten, I’m probably not far away. I’m not sure where that came from, as my husband is the main chef in our family, but the fun of planning, executing, and serving a meal has stayed with me from my time, years ago now, working in the St. Leonard school cafeteria. This is why I am so excited to bring back the use of the parish’s commercial kitchen to prepare meals for United Crescent Hill Ministries. While our newest outreach is still in the trial phase, I hope you will keep an eye out for how you can contribute and get involved!! “
Thank you Fran for responding to Pope Francis’ call to be a “Living Saint!” You are “living with love and offering Christian witness in (y)our daily tasks” and you most certainly “Live justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God.” Fran, you are a “Living Saint!”
-Sharon Coonan, Pastoral Associate
If you want to donate items for the UCHM “Leonard Lunches”, they can use Granny Smith apples, cinnamon, and brown sugar or you can donate funds to purchase additional items. To sign up as a volunteer or to learn more about this new effort, contact Fran Mastropaolo at 502-413-1471 or