The Sacrament of the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Lumen Gentium 11). Our communal celebration of this great Mystery of God’s sacrificial love is the heart of worship at St. Leonard Parish. Please join us for weekly Mass here at St. Leonard or at our sister parish, St. Frances of Rome.

First Communion Preparation
The Church recognizes that children ages 7 to 8 are now aware enough to recognize and participate in the height of our earthly connection to God through the Holy Eucharist. In the Mass, we take part in Christ’s eternal offering to the Father, and we offer ourselves at the same time. We receive the Real Presence of Jesus in our bodies, and we share in a common unity with the whole Church through him.
When it comes to First Communion preparation, our program involves parents as much as possible. You walk with your child through the biblical story of salvation, the liturgy, and the reality of the Blessed Sacrament, serving as a teacher while you delve deeper into the mystery yourself. Don’t worry – we’re always there with you helping! Preparation also includes video and interactive components facilitated by a trained catechist.
Traditionally, children at St. Leonard Parish celebrate their First Communion in May of each year, although this schedule is flexible depending on your child’s progress and situation.
For children significantly older than 7 or 8, or children who have not yet been baptized, preparation takes place in the context of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC), which is mapped out depending on your child’s specific needs.
How do I register my child for First Communion preparation at St. Leonard Parish?
Please contact the parish office, at 502-897-2595 or via email.
Not Catholic, but interested in learning more about the Sacrament of the Eucharist?
Check out our “Becoming Catholic” page for more information about the RCIA process.

Are you or a loved one unable to attend Mass weekly due to a medical condition?
Please contact the parish office at 502-897-2595 to arrange to receive Communion at home.