The Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry programs at St. Leonard are new but aim to accompany teenagers and young adults as they grow in the Christian faith throughout and far beyond preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Read on and contact our parish office, at 502-897-2595 or via email to learn more or get involved.
Confirmation Preparation
7th and 8th grade
Click on the button below to learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Leonard.

Youth Ministry
8th grade through high school
When our young people have completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), we treat them like adults, offering our support as they integrate and develop into mature members of the Christian community. The Church prepares priests based on four pillars for formation – Human, Intellectual, Spiritual, and Service – and we follow a similar pattern for our youth. We do our best to offer our young people support, and opportunities in all these aspects of their Christian lives.
- Human Formation – Helping youth develop a sense of identity and psychological maturity allows the opportunity for the self-possession we need to make gifts of ourselves.
- Intellectual Formation – Exposure to theology, philosophy, and insights from secular disciplines that inform our faith enable youth to understand the nuances of classical and modern thought that allow us to understand our faith responsibly and dialogue with the intellectual currents of the world.
- Spiritual Formation – We encourage our youth to articulate their beliefs and feelings honestly, to share their struggles and hopes with God and with others, and to be open to what God wants to share with them. We seek to expose our young people to the richness of the Church’s prayer practices so they can find the best way to personally converse with God and recognize God’s presence in daily life.
- Formation for Service – This component includes moral and community responsibility, sharing in the work of the parish when it comes to liturgy, service, and community. We support our young people in developing moral cognizance and virtue both in their private and community lives. We also offer them service opportunities so our youth can experience the fruit of sacrificing effort and encountering others in the Love of God.
How can I register my son or daughter for Confirmation preparation or youth ministry opportunities?
Contact our Pastoral Associate, Ashley Logsdon, at 502-897-2595 or via email to register.
Young Adult Ministry
college through young adulthood
Young adults at St. Leonard, St. Frances of Rome, and other parishes in the Crescent Hill area gather periodically for faith-sharing, service, and fun. Contact our Director of Faith Formation, Andrew Hennessy, at 502-897-2595 or via email to join our email list and learn about upcoming young adult opportunities.