Chili and Soup Event
A Parish Outreach Opportunity Instead of a Holiday Bazaar?

St. Leonard Drive-thru Soup/Chili Lunch
ATTN: Are you 55 years of age or older?
Order Your Free Lunch Now!
If you are age 55 or older, let us provide you with a free lunch on Saturday, November 21st! We are replacing our annual Holiday Bazaar with a drive-thru lunch opportunity this year at St. Leonard Parish. Lunch includes a choice of chili, vegetable soup, or potato soup with a dessert and pre-packaged crackers. Drive-thru pickup will be from 9am – 11am on November 21st. Front-porch delivery will also be available. The food will be packaged so it is ready for warming in a microwave. Food orders are due by November 13th. To place your order, click the “ORDER FOOD” button below or call the St. Leonard parish office (502-897-2595).