Help Your Neighbors by giving to St. Vincent de Paul
Summer is heating up this week, and our neighbors who struggle to pay their electric bills often do not have the means to cool their homes–even though temperatures can reach dangerously high levels for elderly and medically fragile people.
Each year 86 heat-related deaths occur in Louisville among people who were not able to cool off in the high temperatures. For more on the heat island effect and Louisville’s research on this issue, check out this article’s link in the Outreach page of the electronic weekly newsletter.
Make a donation today to help our neighbors cover these necessary expenses.
Your gift to the St. Vincent de Paul Society provides funds to people who need food for their families, help paying the rent, or keeping their lights on. Send your donation to either St. Frances of Rome or St. Leonard parish offices via the GREEN ENVELOPE in your monthly mailing. Your gift helps people who live in our neighborhood; please consider a gift today.