Prayer Quilt Ministry -Volunteers Needed
Pocket Prayer Quilt Ministry
Would you like to help?
Have you ever heard of “pocket prayer quilts”? Inside each of these small quilts, there is a small cross with the prayer pinned to each quilt as shown in the photo. Would you like to help us provide one to each of our St. Leonard parish families? If we have enough volunteers to help, we can also supply the VA Hospital and neighborhood senior care homes. Let’s shoot high and target a total of 500 prayer quilts before December 1st!
If you like to sew, we could really use your help! If you don’t but would like to be involved, there are other ways to help, such as assembling the fabric for sewing, delivering materials to our seamstresses, attaching the prayer to the quilt with a safety pin, etc.. For our seamstresses, the sewing can be done at home and we will deliver the materials and instructions to you. Contact the parish office to volunteer and we will find a way you can help!