St. Leonard Pastoral Care “Caring Friends” Community Needs Card Ministry Help!
St. Leonard’s Pastoral Care “Caring Friends” community is in need of your help! Currently a small group of parishioners have been trying to reach out to our homebound or others who are celebrating or handling struggling times to let them know that the parish is praying for and thinking of them. This is a powerful and wonderful ministry that requires very little of your time but it makes a big difference or brightens the day of others.
We are attempting to set up teams of two or three people from the parish that will send personalized notes out each month. This would be something you can do at home or in the parish office. The parish will supply the names, addresses, postage and cards. If enough people volunteer, then you may only have to do this a couple of times a year. Your monthly commitment should only take approximately an hour a month to complete.
Please discern if the Holy Spirit is calling you to this blessed St. Leonard “Caring Friends” Card Ministry. If you need more information or feel that this is something you want to help with, then call Sharon Coonan, Pastoral Associate at the parish office (502) 897-2595 or email: You can also reply back by dropping a note in a marked envelope in the collection basket when you attend mass or drop your note in the mail slot at the parish house.
Thank you for considering this wonderful ministry!
-Sharon Coonan, Pastoral Associate