“Leonard Ladies” is the women’s ministry at St. Leonard Parish, which began in 2018 and continues to be among the most energetic of our parish groups.
Leonard Ladies Mission Statement:
In unity with the St. Leonard Catholic Community, our mission is to place God first in all things,
to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
and to grow in holiness through prayer, study, and service.
We strive to live our mission through mutual respect and the following values: confidentiality, equal sharing time, compassionate listening, inclusivity, and active service.
All ladies are welcome! The Leonard Ladies ministry is for all women of the parish, regardless of age, background, or state of life. We love our diverse membership and are excited to draw even more ladies into our ongoing initiatives. Many Leonard Ladies have expressed their gratitude for the connectedness, friendship, and support that they experience through the relationships they have built.
Here are just a few examples of Leonard Ladies initiatives:

The Leonard Ladies cherish a tradition of praying for one another’s special intentions. We lift one another up in prayer when experiencing brokenness (loss of loved ones, family struggles, job loss, personal heartache, etc.), and we also love to celebrate together (new babies, new jobs, answered prayers, safe travels, friendships, etc.). Many Leonard Ladies also participate actively as liturgical ministers and on our parish Worship Committee.
We love to learn together! Here are some of the books and programs that we have studied together:
- Walking with Purpose: Seven Priorities that Make Life Work by Lisa Brenninkmeyer (Summer 2018)
- Unleashed: How to Receive Everything the Holy Spirit Wants to Give You by Sonja Corbitt (Fall 2018)
- Bible study: Opening Your Heart: The Starting Point by Lisa Brenninkmeyer (Winter/Spring 2019)
- Ruth and Naomi: A Story of Friendship, Growth and Change by Elizabeth Ruth Obbard (Winter 2020)
- Bible study of Jonah (Spring 2020)
- Revelation: God’s Gift of Hope by Kevin Perrotta (Summer/Fall 2020)

Winter 2021
“Imagine” series based on the 2020 America Media Podcast Imagine: A Guide to Jesuit Prayer

Spring and Summer 2021
“Encountering the Psalms”: click below to learn more and to join us!

Leonard Ladies serve our parish community through helping with bereavement luncheons, outreach to elderly and homebound parishioners, sewing pocket prayer quilts, delivering soup, writing cards, and decorating the church seasonally. We also organize impromptu outreaches for parishioners in need, and we’re always on the lookout for more ways that we can grow our parish community and reach out to the larger community. We welcome your ideas!
Examples of 2021 Service Projects:
- Compiling “exit baskets” for the men of Ozanam Inn homeless shelter
- Writing postcards for parish and neighborhood families
- Caring for the gardens and church of St. Leonard
- and much more coming this spring and summer!

Please join us!
If you’re a woman of the parish, you’re already a Leonard Lady! We would love to answer any questions you may have about upcoming opportunities or getting more involved. You can reach out to Jo-Dee Jackson, Jane Bartley, Carol Sexton, or Maureen Volz with questions, or call the parish office at 502-897-2595 to get connected.