Parish Community Updates 3/30/23

St Frances of Rome is an inclusive, welcoming Roman Catholic family challenging ourselves to seek, experience, and share the loving presence of God.

The St Leonard family welcomes all into our Catholic community to serve, pray, and worship, as we welcome Christ.


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Parish Council News:

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St. Leonard

Treasury Report

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Ministry Scheduler link

2023 Holy Week-Palm Sunday

St Leonard -Saturday, April 1st at 4pm.

Gather before mass on the Zorn Avenue sidewalk in front of the church.  Procession will follow the sidewalk, to parking lot and into the church. 

 St Frances of Rome -Sunday, April 2nd at 11:30am.

Gather in the church's Frankfort Avenue parking lot.  Procession will follow Frankfort Avenue sidewalk to South Clifton Avenue and into the church.

All Are Invited...

All Catholics are invited to attend the annual Chrism Mass on Tuesday, April 4, 7 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Assumption, 433 S 5th St # 101, Louisville, KY 40202.  

At this Mass during Holy Week, Archbishop Shelton will consecrate the sacred Chrism and bless the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumens, which will be used throughout the 110 parishes in the Archdiocese in the coming year. The priests of the Archdiocese also will renew the promises of their priesthood “as witnesses and cooperators with their bishop.” 

  • For more information about the significance of this event, see Dr. Karen Shadle’s column “Between Amens” in The Record Here.

For more about Lent and many more items related to Worship news in the parishes go to the Worship News Page link HERE.

Pray for All Who Are Preparing for the Sacraments

As our children prepare to receive their First Eucharist and our youth prepare to be confirmed in a few short weeks, pray for them and and for all candidates and catechumens. Around the world, our universal Church will welcome people into our faith family next week at the Easter vigil. 

May our Hosanna's this weekend join with Catholics everywhere as we praise the one we name as Lord.

Many more items related to Formation News in the parishes can be found on the Formation News Page. Just click the link HERE.

Rice Bowl Collection at Holy Thursday Liturgy

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. As we walk with Jesus, we remember the countless women, children, and men who carry heavy crosses even today: crosses of hunger, of vulnerability to climate change, or of a lack of resources. How—like Simon of Cyrene—can you help to carry the crosses of our sisters and brothers in our local community and around the world?

One way is to make a donation to the annual Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl campaign. 

Remember to bring your CRS Rice Bowl (cash or check) to our 6pm Holy Thursday liturgy at St. Leonard. 

Baskets will be at the front of the altar for all to bring forward their offering of alms to the poor and show our solidarity with our brothers and sisters—both here at home and around the world.

Watch this video to learn how local dioceses use 25% of the annual Rice Bowl collection to serve our nearby neighbors.

Many more items related to Outreach News in the parishes can be found on the Outreach News Page. Just click the link HERE.

Maranatha One Day Retreat

A Maranatha Retreat, designed for those who are chronically ill and their caregivers, will be held May 13, 2023 at the Flaget Center, 1935 Lewiston Drive, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The retreat will offer spiritual presentations, small-group sharing, time for meditation, lunch and the opportunity to take part in various sacraments.  Any adult living with serious or chronic illness, or serving as a caregiver.  A few examples of serious health conditions are: cancer, diabetes, heart or lung disease, stroke, anxiety, stress and depression.  While offered in the Catholic tradition, the retreat welcomes all faith traditions.

It is free, but registration is required. To register, contact Denise Puckett in the Family Ministries Office at 636-0296 or by email at

Many more items related to Parish Life News in the parishes can be found on the Parish Life News Page. Just click the link HERE.


Stewardship Form Results

Gracious and loving God, we understand that You call us to be stewards of Your abundance, the caretakers of all You have entrusted to us. Help us always to use your gifts wisely and teach us to share them generously. May our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives. -Amen

Thank you to all those who have returned the 2023 Stewardship Forms. If you have not had a chance to return yours, it is not too late!

St. Frances of Rome has received 34%. That's 116 of the 340 mailed forms.

St. Leonard has received 34% That's 77 of the 228 mailed forms.

If you have misplaced your form, please contact your parish office-Suzann McGarvey (SFR) 896-8401, or Allison Deaton (SL) 897-2595.

More information related to Treasury News in the parishes can be found on the Treasury News Page. Just click the link HERE.)

Spring Cleaning Event Open to Both Parishes


Saturday 5:30 p.m.

Sunday 8:30 & 11:30 a.m.

Monday 8:30 a.m.

Wednesday 8:30 a.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m.


Saturday 4:00 p.m.

Sunday 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday Noon

Thursday Noon


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