Parish Mission Statement:
The St. Leonard family welcomes all into our Catholic community to serve, pray, and worship, as we welcome Christ
Parish Life Committee
Chair: Fran Mastropaolo
The Parish Life Committee is dedicated to serving the St. Leonard community through hospitality, fellowship, and social get-togethers. We seek to serve Christ by serving others, building relationships within our St. Leonard family, and welcoming others to become part of our faith community. Some of our most popular events include:
- Sunday Donuts – A monthly treat for our parishioners and guests to meet, greet, and socialize after Mass
- Easter Egg Hunt – Something special for the little ones of our parish after Easter Sunday Mass, held on the soccer field or in the gym
- Annual Holiday Bazaar – We host many homemade crafters on our campus to kick off the holiday season, and we also provide a delicious hot lunch for our patrons
- We also work toward nourishing our souls as well as our bodies through occasional brunches and dinners
All hands are welcomed to help with set-up/clean-up, serving, cooking, or whatever talent you have to join us in the fun! If you are interested in serving through the Parish Life Committee, please call the parish office at 502-897-2595 to learn more and sign up.
Our Parish Family
St. Leonard Parish truly is a family, and we strive to care for one another and for our neighbors, and to welcome new members into our community. Read on to learn more about the good work of our Parish Council, many parish ministries, special groups like the Leonard Ladies and Leos on the Go, and upcoming events in our parish.
Are you ready to become part of the St. Leonard family?
Click below to learn more about registering!