Prayer Blanket Ministry
Coordinator: Anne Dugan
Volunteers sew small blankets that are distributed to those who are suffering illness or loss as a sign of our parish’s ongoing care for them. Call the parish office at 502-897-2595 to volunteer your time and sewing talent for this ministry!

Pocket Prayer Quilt Ministry
Coordinator: Teresa Riggs
Have you ever heard of “pocket prayer quilts”? Inside each of these small quilts, there is a small cross with a prayer pinned to the quilt as shown in the photo.
We started this ministry in November of 2020. To date, we have completed more than 700 pocket prayer quilts that have been distributed to our parishioners, neighborhood senior care homes, VA Medical Center, etc. We enclose the following message when we distribute the quilts.
May God grant you faith and hope
throughout life’s journey.
Know that you are in our prayers!
Blessings from Saint Leonard Catholic Parish.
We currently have more than a dozen people involved in this ministry but would love to increase our team. If you like to sew, we invite you to join our team! If you do not sew but would still like to be involved, there are several other ways to help, such as assembling the fabric for sewing, delivering materials to our team members, attaching the prayer to the quilt with a safety pin, etc. The work can be done at home and we will deliver the materials and instructions to you. Call the parish office at 502-897-2595 to volunteer, and we will find a way that you can help!
Homebound Visiting Ministry
Coordinator: Ashley Logsdon, Pastoral Associate
Through visits, phone calls, cards, and other forms of outreach, volunteers build relationships with homebound parishioners, residents of Clifton Oaks Care Center, and patients at the nearby VA Medical Center.
Volunteers who have been trained and commissioned as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs) may also bring Communion to the homebound and to Catholic residents of Clifton Oaks and the VA Medical Center. Click below to learn more about the special ministry of bringing Communion to the homebound at St. Leonard.