Please Welcome The Very Reverend Anthony L. Chandler, K.C.H.S!
We are so happy to welcome Father Chandler as our Pastor at St. Leonard. A native Louisvillian, Fr. Chandler was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Louisville in 1989. He graduated from St. George School, Bishop David High School and Western Kentucky University. He entered St. Meinrad Seminary College where he earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in History and Philosophy. He then attended the Catholic University of America and earned the Bachelor of Sacred Theology (STB) and
the Master of Arts (MA) in Theology.
After ordination he was assigned to St. Martha where he served for three years.
At the call of the archdiocese, he was sent to the University of Maryland at College Park
and he earned the Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in 1993.
His pastoral assignments have been:
-St. Martha, 1989-1992 – Assistant Pastor
-Holy Trinity, 1993-1999 – Pastor
-St. Bartholomew,1999-2005 -Pastor
-Archdiocese for the Military Service, USA 2005-2008 – Vice Chancellor
-St. Martin of Tours, Flaherty/ St John, Brandenburg, 2008-2011 – Pastor
-Immaculate Conception, La Grange, 2001-2020 – Pastor
-St. Francis of Assisi, Louisville, 2020-2022 – Pastor
-Catholic Charities, Fort Worth, TX, 2022-2023 – Interim President/CEO
-Cathedral of the Assumption, 2023-2024 – Rector
-Victor for Priests/Director of Priests Personnel, 2023 – present
Father serves on numerous boards and committees both within and beyond the archdiocese. He is a member of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, Knights of St. Peter Claver, and Knights of Columbus.
Father Chandler has one brother, Stephen, who lives in Louisville with his wife. He has three nieces and one nephew.